We are ICM Consult

We are Luuc Walraven and Sander van der Holst, founders and current managing directors of ICM Consult. ICM Consult was founded in 2015 and is located on the Dutch Caribbean island Curacao.

With a broad background and experience as contractor, professional client and project manager (Luuc) on the one hand, and as an architect and project manager (Sander) on the other hand, we are able to approach any construction project from different points of view, in all phases of the construction process, in order to assist you with optimal and independent advice.
While our office is on Curacao, we are also available for projects on the other Dutch Caribbean islands and in the wider region.

Clients Says

Your professionalism and expertise in combination with the required determination and integrity has led to a special result. The ultimate goal has never been lost in the face of setbacks and discussions.
Thanks to the extensive and detailed reports, we have always had an overview and insight into the status of the project. Cor van de Corput

ICM can be of added value from the initiative phase to the delivery and maintenance period, but also regarding the management and maintenance of buildings. In addition, ICM is flexible in accepting complete assignments or partial assignments within a structure with multiple advisors.

ICM is proactive in guiding the construction process and distinguishes itself by overseeing the construction process and advising in cases of tension between client and contractor.  We have broad experience in building in a responsible manner in complex environments, such as offices or the airport while these have to remain in use, with minimal interruption of daily operations. Clear reporting between client, contractor and other stakeholders in a project is characteristic to our approach.

Because of the company structure, where both owners Luuc and Sander are the only employees, the lines of communication are clear and short, so that decisions can be made quickly and efficiently.
Where, due to the size or complexity of a project, extra effort is required from people, or when because of the structure of the project only part of the construction process is supervised by ICM, ICM seeks project-based cooperation with (preferably locally established) companies. Due to the long track record on the island, and due to the active attitude within the Dutch Caribbean Architects and Engineers (DCAE), a wide network of parties is available with which successful projects have already been carried out.

our curricula vitaE

ing. Luuc J.W. Walraven MBA

Co-Founder, project manager / civil engineer
Luuc started his Caribbean civil engineering career in 1990 at Bouwbedrijf Lendering, one of the leading construction companies on Curacao.

In 1996 his organizational talents led to an appointment as “Bouwmeester” for the Central Bank of the (then) Netherlands Antilles to help plan, prepare, guide and manage the construction of the new headquarters for the Central Bank on Curacao. The multi million guilder project was successfully finished with the building’s opening in 2003.
After a four-year intermission in The Netherlands and eight years heading up the project management division of a Curacao architectural firm, 2015 was the year he decided to form a partnership with colleague and friend Sander van der Holst and establish ICM Consult BV. Together they strive to be the best there is.

Luuc has a degree in Civil Engineering and in 1999 obtained his MBA.

ir. Sander van der Holst

Co-Founder, architect / project manager
After moving to Curacao in 2008, we quickly discovered our future to be a Caribbean one. While working at an architecture firm in Curacao, I again picked up my paused study and graduated in 2012 for my Master of Science degree in Architecture on Eindhoven University of Technology with the project ‘3DUCATION’, a generative design study for designing schools.

In my first project on Curacao, three faculty buildings for the University of Curacao, I did both design/draft-work as supervising/project management-work and learned to operate in a large project team. In the following wide variety of projects, my personal experience in office work as well as fieldwork has grown and I further developed a set of skills to be able to run projects independently and give guidance to all project stakeholders in order to reach the best project for all stakeholders.
Together with Luuc Walraven, we decided to start our own business in 2015, and ICM Consult was founded.

project list

for more information please view this list on larger screen